EDB JDBC Connector release notes v42.7.3.2

Released: 22 Nov 2024

The EDB JDBC connector provides connectivity between a Java application and an EDB Postgres Advanced Server database.

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in the EDB JDBC Connector include:

PerformanceImproved parsing performance with large SQL (MTK/SQL Plus).
EnhancementAdded support for EDB Postgres Advanced Server 17.2.
Bug fixFixes an incompatibility issue with JDK 8 that found in version of the edb-jdbc18 driver.
Fixedb-jdbc installation should not install a lower JDK version when a higher version is installed.
FixFixed issue where Message.getJMSMessageID() returns null.
FixFixed issue with determining the queue table for a queue when there is more than one queue defined within a single schema.
FixFixed issue where EDBJmsMessageConsumer.receiveNoWait() always returns null even when messages are available on the queue.
FixFixed issue where EDBJmsMessageConsuder() [without time parameter] is supposed to block until a message is available.