Installing TPA from source v23

This document explains how to use TPA from a copy of the source code repository.


EDB customers must install TPA from packages in order to receive EDB support for the software.

To run TPA from source, you must install all of the dependencies (e.g., Python 3.12+) that the packages would handle for you, or download the source and run TPA in a Docker container. (Either way will work fine on Linux and macOS.)


First, you must install the various dependencies Python 3, Python venv, git, openvpn and patch. Installing from EDB repositories would would install these automatically along with the TPA packages.

Before you install TPA, you must install the required packages:

  • Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-venv git openvpn patch
  • Redhat, Rocky or AlmaLinux (RHEL7)
    sudo yum install python3 python3-pip epel-release git openvpn patch
  • Redhat, Rocky or AlmaLinux (RHEL8)
    sudo yum install python36 python3-pip epel-release git openvpn patch

Clone and setup

With prerequisites installed, you can now clone the repository.

git clone ~/tpa

This creates a tpa directory in your home directory.

If you prefer to checkout with ssh use:

git clone ssh:// ~/tpa

Add the bin directory, found within in your newly created clone, to your path with:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/tpa/bin

Add this line to your .bashrc file (or other profile file for your preferred shell).

You can now create a working tpa environment by running:

tpaexec setup

This will create the Python virtual environment that TPA will use in future. All needed packages are installed in this environment. To test this configured correctly, run the following:

tpaexec selftest

You now have tpaexec installed.


Python 3.12+

TPA requires Python 3.12 or later, available on most modern distributions. If you don't have it, you can use pyenv to install any version of Python you like without affecting the system packages.

# First, install pyenv and activate it in ~/.bashrc
# See
# (e.g., `brew install pyenv` on MacOS X)

$ pyenv install 3.12.0
Downloading Python-3.12.0.tar.xz...
Installing Python-3.12.0...
Installed Python-3.12.0 to /home/ams/.pyenv/versions/3.12.0

$ pyenv local 3.12.0
$ pyenv version
3.12.0 (set by /home/ams/pyenv/.python-version)

$ pyenv which python3
$ python3 --version

If you were not already using pyenv, please remember to add pyenv to your PATH in .bashrc and call eval "$(pyenv init -)" as described in the pyenv documentation.

Virtual environment options

By default, tpaexec setup will use the builtin Python 3 -m venv to create a venv under $TPA_DIR/tpa-venv, and activate it automatically whenever tpaexec is invoked.

You can run tpaexec setup --venv /other/location to specify a different location for the new venv.

We strongly suggest sticking to the default venv location. If you use a different location, you must also set the environment variable TPA_VENV to its location, for example by adding the following line to your .bashrc (or other shell startup scripts):

export TPA_VENV="/other/location"