SSL Certificates v23

If you set enable_pg_backup_api: true in config.yml or use the --enable-pg-backup-api command line option during configure, instances with the barman role will install pg-backup-api and set up an apache proxy for client cert authentication. This apache proxy will use an SSL CA generated for the cluster to generate its server and client certificates.

  enable_pg_backup_api: true

PG Backup API package version

By default, TPA installs the latest available version of pg-backup-api.

The version of the pg-backup-api package that is installed can be specified by including pg_backup_api_package_version: xxx under the cluster_vars section of the config.yml file.

cluster_vars:pg_backup_api_package_version: '2.0.0-1.el8'

You may use any version specifier that apt or yum would accept.

If your version does not match, try appending a * wildcard. This is often necessary when the package version has an epoch qualifier like 2:....

pg-backup-api will be installed via packages by default, but you can also install from a git branch or a local directory. See and for more details.

Run pg-backup-api status on the barman node running pg-backup-api - if you get "OK" back, the pg-backup-api service is running.

To test that the proxy is working, run

curl --cert /etc/tpa/pg-backup-api/pg-backup-user.crt \
     --key /etc/tpa/pg-backup-api/pg-backup-user.key \
     -X GET https://{hostname}/diagnose

If it's working, you'll get a large json output. You can compare this with the output of barman diagnose, they should match exactly.

The root certificate will be copied to /etc/tpa/pg-backup-api/ by default.

A client certificate and key (pg-backup-user.crtand pg-backup-user.key) will be generated for testing (through tpaexec test) or command line from the barman host. See Testing.

An apache proxy server certificate and key (pg-backup-api.crt and pg-backup-api.key) will also be generated

Each service needing to query the api will need to generate its own client certificate separately. PEM agent role, for instance, generates a client certificate during it's setup when both --enable-pem and --enable-pg-backup-api (or config.yml equivalent) are used.