PgBouncer v23

PgBouncer package version

By default, TPA installs the latest available version of PgBouncer.

The version of the PgBouncer package that is installed can be specified by including pgbouncer_package_version: xxx under the cluster_vars section of the config.yml file.

cluster_vars:pgbouncer_package_version: '1.8*'

You may use any version specifier that apt or yum would accept.

If your version does not match, try appending a * wildcard. This is often necessary when the package version has an epoch qualifier like 2:....

Configuring PgBouncer

TPA will install and configure PgBouncer on instances whose role contains pgbouncer.

By default, PgBouncer listens for connections on port 6432 and, if no pgbouncer_backend is specified, forwards connections to (which may be either Postgres or haproxy, depending on the architecture).

Using PgBouncer to route traffic to the primary

If you are using the M1 architecture with repmgr you can set repmgr_redirect_pgbouncer: true hash under cluster_vars to have PgBouncer connections directed to the primary. The PgBouncer will be automatically updated on failover to route to the new primary. You should use this option in combination with setting pgbouncer_backend to the primary instance name to ensure that the cluster is initially deployed with PgBouncer configured to route to the primary.

You can set the following variables on any pgbouncer instance.

VariableDefault valueDescription
pgbouncer_port6432The TCP port pgbouncer should listen on
pgbouncer_backend127.0.0.1A Postgres server to connect to
pgbouncer_backend_port5432The port that the pgbouncer_backend listens on
pgbouncer_max_client_connmax_connections×0.9The maximum number of connections allowed; the default is derived from the backend's max_connections setting if possible
pgbouncer_auth_userpgbouncer_auth_userPostgres user to use for authentication


By default, TPA will generate /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.databases.ini with a single wildcard * entry under [databases] to forward all connections to the backend server. You can set pgbouncer_databases as shown in the example below to change the database configuration.


PgBouncer will connect to Postgres as the pgbouncer_auth_user and execute the (already configured) auth_query to authenticate users.


- Name: one
    max_connections: 300
- Name: two
- Name: proxy
  - pgbouncer
    pgbouncer_backend: one
    - name: dbname
        pool_mode: transaction
        dbname: otherdb
    - name: bdrdb
        host: two
        port: 6543